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Boost your Business: Powerful Networking Tips for Small Business Owners

Networking is so important and worthwhile for all businesses, as it boasts so many advantages that will all help your business to grow, and yourself as a person…

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of networking in business, and we’ll give you some tips to help you network successfully and feel more confident about it.

Why Networking Is Worth Your Time

Here are some of the main reasons why you should participate in networking…

  • Relationship Building – Networking is a great opportunity to interact with other like-minded entrepreneurs, and even potential clients. Building relationships in business is important as it will often lead to opportunities, great referrals and collaborations.

  • Shared Knowledge – Networking encourages it’s participants to discuss their points of view and ask for feedback. It’s an amazing way of learning from others, whether they are in your industry or not. Not only will it expand your knowledge, but it will also allow you to see things from another perspective.

  • Increased self-confidence – Networking encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and become familiar with talking to people you don’t know. This is important because business growth is highly dependent on making connections and engaging with people. This won’t only promote your business; it will also help you to become a more confident individual.

  • Increased Credibility and Reach – Networking helps small business owners to establish credibility in their industry. This is because networking expands your reach beyond your immediate network. This helps you to reach potential clients/customers.

Now we’ve discussed some of the key reasons why you should network, let’s go onto some tips on how you can get the best out of networking.

Go In With A Strategy

Think about what you want to get out of it. Make a list of the thing you want to achieve, for example, spreading the word about your business, gaining business connections and learning new skills, and/or generating referrals.

From deciding your strategy, you can decide which networking group would be the best for you and you can begin to devise a plan for the approach you are going to go in with.

Arrive Well Prepared

To reduce your chance of being nervous and in order to get the best possible results, make sure you have done the necessary preparation beforehand.

This will usually consist of a short elevator pitch, where you can briefly introduce yourself, your business and what you can offer. We would suggest reading through this a few times on your own beforehand, especially if you aren’t the most confident talker.

Depending on the nature of the networking event, you may want to bring promotional materials with you, such as business cards, testimonials and maybe even props.

Another way you can prepare yourself is to befriend somebody that is part of the networking group you wish to join.

If you are particularly nervous, having this bond can be a great stepping stone to making other close connections within the group and feeling more comfortable.

Furthermore, to be prepared to the maximum, get familiar with the talking points that might come up. Think about your goals and consider doing some research about the background of the other entrepreneurs/businesses that will be attending.

Listen Carefully

Always listen carefully to what the other attendees have to say.

That way, you can discover if other people’s objectives and values correlate with yours, enabling the chance for a great friendship and business connection. Or, even if they differ from yours, it could be a great learning experience for everyone involved.

Listening closely will also alert you of any opportunities that could arise, such as partnerships or collaborations. Following this, you can ask open-ended questions.

This will not only show your interest, but it will also lead to open discussions which are also great learning opportunities.

Be Yourself

The professional environment of today is becoming more welcoming of diversity and prioritises more genuine, healthy relationships.

Although your professional persona may be a more sophisticated version of your casual self, you can still crack jokes (where appropriate) and you should let your true personality shine through when you can.

You do not need to copy someone else to be a polished, successful networker. You just need to be friendly, respectful and attentive.

When developing your professional persona, make sure it leverages your skills and contains the best elements of your personality.

Studies from Harvard have found that by utilising this strategy, your anxiety will likely decrease, and you will increase your chance of making a lasting impression.

Showcase Your Personal Brand

In our blog that came out just before this one, we told you all about how to amplify your personal brand. Well, as it happens, networking is a brilliant opportunity to showcase that.

By showcasing your personal brand when networking, you are increasing your competitive edge and further increasing your chance of building trust and credibility with your fellow networkers.

Follow Up With People

It’s all well and good having informative conversations with those you meet through networking, but to get the best out of it and the most opportunities from it, it is crucial to follow up with people.

It is very easy to follow up with people, whether you do it by dropping them a LinkedIn message letting them know how much you enjoyed the conversation and listing any further points you may have, sending them an email, or simply handing them a business card.

If you don’t immediately have anything to say, just follow them on social media to maintain the connection.

Following up with people will show your commitment to the group and making connections. It will also help you not be forgettable to those you have met, even if it was just a brief encounter.


To recap, networking is important because it creates an opportunity for relationship building, shared knowledge, increased self-confidence and increased credibility and reach.

Our key networking tips for you are…

  • Go in with a strategy

  • Arrive well prepared

  • Listen carefully

  • Be yourself

  • Showcase your personal brand

  • Follow up with people

We hope you have enjoyed this article and we wish you success in your networking experience! We are your one-stop shop if you’d like to see more regular, in-depth articles containing various business tips.


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